Saturday, February 21, 2009







殖民年代占领我国的势力曾经以分割性的治理手段维持社会的规模与秩序,以成全他们的盈利企图。独立后,这分割治理取利的手段不但没被扫除,只是通过好听的“ 联盟”招牌交棒转手到巫统里。这“联盟”招牌逐渐演变成“国阵”。那么多年流逝了,国阵应当开始容纳一个和巫青同等的肢体以便更新与改革我国的政治风气,将现有的沙文主义极端作风排除。


我也不同意那由前任雪州大臣Khir Toyo与数位巫青领袖带领的示威活动。那示威活动昨天发生在Karpal Singh住家门前。法制应该生效运作。倘若Karpal Singh真的有涉及犯罪的事,索性让警方与主控官决定适当的法律行动。巫青应当安分守己并以身作则尊崇法治,并给于我国的法律与宪法肢体该得的敬重。

恰好Khairy与Khir Toyo都是下一届的巫青主席候选人。这两位究竟唱着什么类似的调子呢?在现今的状况下,我个人的投票是给Mukhriz,因为我有考虑他是个懂得保持冷静的人,而且他也不会依样画葫芦的玩弄情绪或靠演戏出名,他相当有领导人的素质。



Thursday, February 19, 2009

Stop taking moral high ground, says MCA leader


Thursday February 19, 200

Stop taking moral high ground, says MCA leader

KUANTAN: Stop being pretentious and hypocritical – those are remarks made by an MCA leader here who has urged Malaysians to stop playing the blame game and to ponder over the decay in moral standards.

MCA central committee member Datuk Ti Lian Ker said the latest furore involving Selangor executive councillor and PKR assemblyman Elizabeth Wong whose semi-nude photographs were being circulated was just another example of this hypocrisy.

Ti said he was appalled when Gombak MP Azmin Ali showed little sympathy and took the moral high ground.

“Let’s be fair and accept that many Malaysians are exerting their personal liberties privately but publicly we are pretentious and very hypocritical in our posturing.

“Where will all this lead us to? I remember those days when we could mingle freely and yet maintain our pride and dignity,” he wrote in his blog.

Ti, who is also the Kuantan MCA division chief, said one should not allow khalwat (close proximity) to affect the freedom and mindset of single women, particularly non-bumiputras.

“What Elizabeth (Wong) did is not something wrong, instead it is becoming a norm. It so happened that she is a prominent figure and a politician.

“The point that needs to be emphasised is the private lives of politicians are as sacrosanct as that of any other citizen and politicians deserve the same degree of respect as anyone else,” he added.

He questioned whether state laws should be changed towards “satisfying the aggressive few or in the interest of the people”.

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