Monday, November 30, 2009
Liow under fire over Net clip
Liow under fire over Net clip
PETALING JAYA: The MCA crisis is not only making headlines in Malaysia, it has also become a hot news item in Taiwan.
Party vice-president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai and those aligned to him have been accused of being copycats in producing an Internet video clip similar to a campaign video of Taiwanese president Ma Ying-jeou.
The three-minute video clip, titled MCA MIRT 1128, is available on YouTube.
The content urged MCA central delegates to attend the Nov 28 extraordinary general meeting, which was later cancelled and replaced with a special briefing session.
Taiwanese news portal also carried a story criticising the clip, saying Liow and his group had learned the worst from their Taiwanese counterpart, the Kuomintang (KMT).
Taiwanese television station TVBS also pointed out that Liow’s video had copied almost all the content from Ma’s video, and only replaced the word “Taiwan” with “MCA” and “kind” with “integrity”.
As at press time yesterday, the video has been viewed 14,898 times with 277 comments; with some users calling the MCA the Malaysia Copy Association.
Meanwhile, MCA central committee member Datuk Ti Lian Ker challenged Liow to prove that 1,193 central delegates attended the Nov 28 briefing.
Ti said he would wait for Liow at the MCA headquarters at 11am on Friday to see the evidence.
In a press statement, he said Liow had failed to allow professional verification and an audit on the attendance as pledged earlier.
“Liow’s number of 1,193 central delegates does not tally with the figure confirmed by the Special Affairs Department under the Information, Communications and Culture Ministry that placed 547 central delegates attending the EGM,” he said.
He also asked Liow to be transparent and give an accounting of the amount he had received and spent.
Ti said Liow, the leader of the MCA Integrity Restoration Task Force (MIRT), must be reminded that he was slowly destroying himself and the party by walking away from his talk.
Tee Keat’s supporter Ti lashes out at VP Liow Mon, Nov 30, 2009
Mon, Nov 30, 2009
by Beh Kay Hieng
Liow Tiong Lai1KUALA LUMPUR: MCA Central Committee (CC) member Datuk Ti Lian Ker lashed out at MCA Vice-President Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai (picture) for failing to provide proof of attendance for the MCA’s 1128 extraordinary general meeting (EGM).
Ti alleged that Liow’s claim of 1193 attendants to the EGM does not tally with figures provided by monitoring agencies, who placed a number of 547 delegates and CC members having attended the EGM.
Following MCA’s president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat’s rejection the 1128 declaration, Ti, who is MCA NGO liaison chief, called on to Liow to provide the MCA with the proof and signatures of the 1193 attendants.
“All distortions and misrepresentations by a Minister must be stopped in order to gain public trust” said Ti at his blog,
The 1128 declaration includes a call for fresh party polls to be held within 60 days. Ong has formally dismissed such a declaration as any call for fresh electiona must follow the party’s constitution to be referred to the CC.
In another note, Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin said that the contents and the outcome of the meeting with key MCA leaders on Saturday night will be disclosed after Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak returns from his overseas trip on Tuesday
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Politics of Deception...
Now there are speculations that the Ong/Chan team were part of the 3rd Force behind the move to oust Ong Tee Keat as the President of MCA for only a year.
Prior thereto Ka Ting had conveniently removed a thorn in his elder brother's flesh in Perak by eliminating Loke Yuen Yow, the most senior Deputy Minister and a rising star then; in a contest for MCA Youth Chairman between Ong Tee Keat and Loke in the 90s.
Subsequent thereto, Chua Soi Lek and Donald Lim were targeted for elimination in a road map involving a 3 panel snoop squad allegedly headed by Liow Tiong Lai ( Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports) consisting of Wee Jeck Seng (Ka Ting's political secretary then) and Tee An Chuan, an ex-convict who was allocated a special waiting room/office in by Liow in his Ministry then.
The allegation was investigated and dismissed summarily without accountability and transparency by Ong Ka Ting while he was in the President's Chair. The entire incident was whitewashed and until to date no one had actually seen the investigatory report by Michael Chen , Sak Cheng Lum and another, lending credibility that there was truth in the allegations .
However Ong Ka Ting and Chan Kong Choy was all too powerful then. No one dare to question their decisions in anyway for fear of insubordination or disciplinary action.
It was then unlike President Ong Tee Keat today, whose exercise of constituitional powers had been openly questioned and distorted by plain insubordination and rebellion.
Back to the latest today....As I had predicted, the unconstituitional EGM called and endorsed by Liow Tiong Lai did not receive the support they claimed, thus the EGM was called off and converted into a briefing in order that Liow and gang can inflate the attendances with "imported fictional delegates'.
The EGM was called off, despite Liow's right hand man and woman Wee Ka Siong and Chew Mei Fun's assertion a day earlier that their unconstituitional EGM will continue if the date of the fresh election was not determined.
It was a 'BLUFF' and they are capable of more bluffs. Umno, PM and DPM's name was used and reused to lend credence to their 'bluffs' every now and then. This was the same tactic used to hoodwinked Tun Mahathir to interfere into MCA's affairs back in 2002 that made many MCA supporters angry and ashamed until today.
In fact Umno, PM and DPM's name dropping was done so very often that it belittled UMNO, the Prime Minister and his Deputy's reputation, dignity and integrity.
I was personally told before the EGM, after the EGM etc that Umno, PM and DPM wanted both our duly elected President and Deputy President to vacate their seats for their annointed 'President in waiting'.
In the past, thes spins will be effective as MCA has always been in awe and respectful of Umno as the Big Brother.
However the times, they are a changing now. Many MCA leaders are now educated and have their name and dignity to uphold. They have to face their supporters and the people on the ground.
They are fully aware of their rights and sovereignty under the constitution. MCA leaders now knows the meaning of insubordination and act of war against their sovereignty.
Liow and gang were guilty of insubordination when they rebelled against the decision of the Central Committee. Their open invitation of Umno's interference is an attack on MCA's sovereignty as an independent political party.
Liow's announcement of the postphonement of the party's AGM to be held on the 5th. December is again another act unbecoming of a responsible Vice President of MCA.
If the Deputy President can defer the announcement (if any) to be made by the President, why is Liow openly showing his disrespect of our party protocol?
Liow is a Minister and a future MCA President to be...why can't he follow basic decorum and protocol? Is this the example of discipline and good leadership to come from him?
Is Liow the Minister of Health sending a wrong signal and bad education by example to our youngsters? Is he a good role model of a rebellious culture?
Chief requisitionist, Wong Nai Chee who had earlier claimed that they had received 1300 delegates committment to attend today's EGM is another poker bluff. If they are able to have the attendance of 1300 delegates, they will never call off the EGM since their pre-condition in calling off the EGM is that the date of the fresh election must be fixed.
The date was not agreed despite their crying out loud. MCA's President Ong Tee Keat and Deputy Chua Soi Lek were accorded the respect due to the party by the DPM as a mediator when the dates for a fresh election were not forced into MCA's throat.
MCA as a party must exercise their sovereignty and our party's constituition must be adhered to. As I have said again and again, the provisions and the spirit of the party's constituition must be upheld.
A fresh election can only be held in three circumstances and not otherwise. Liow, Chua or Ong cannot decide on behalf of the CC.
How can Liow so quickly and conveniently forgotten his pledge to uphold the MCA constituition? Didn't he said that we must respect the Central Committee and the Constituition? Has he forgotten about the Central Committee and MCA's constituition when he was kow-towing the Deputy Prime Minister?
Today the unconstituitional EGM was converted to a rebellion briefing was attended by slightly more than 500 signatures of the central delegates (not verified by professionals as promised). The others were chartered by tour buses mainly from Johor Bahru, Pahang, Perak where it is the political base of Wee Ka Siong, Liow Tiong lai and Ong Ka Chuan. There were mobilization of an 'unknown' force too.
Again Liow is using the DPM as his political shield in his art of deception that he had mastered under the tutelage of his master Chan Kong Choy. He has two masters actually. He had adopted the image of Lim Ah Lek but the political culture of Chan Kong Choy.
Again he never failed to refer to his most respected Deputy Prime Minister as follows:
Liow said Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin was heavily involved in helping MCA resolve the crisis and appealed to reporters to refer to the deputy Umno president reported Msiakini
A word of caution to our most respected Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister. Liow had used the same respectful tone to Tun Ling Liong Sik and Ong Tee Keat when they were still powerful......
MCA factions await Najib to break deadlock
Nov 27, 09 12:37pm
The squabbling factions in MCA still have not come to terms when fresh party polls should be held despite consensus that there is a need for elections.
All those involved have shown signs they are willing to compromise to ensure that the peace talks continue.
This is especially so with the faction led by MCA vice-president Liow Tiong Lai, which announced the calling off of the second extraordinary general meeting (EGM) scheduled for Saturday at the party headquarters. Instead, they will turn it into a briefing session.
It is also learnt that the factions headed by president Ong Tee Keat and deputy president Dr Chua Soi Lek have agreed to put off the party's annual general meeting (AGM) scheduled for Dec 5. "Yes, the AGM is likely to be postponed.
The only thing is that we have not announced it as all parties involved have not come to any agreement on the fresh polls date. We will only announce it after all sides have agreed on the date," a party leader aligned to Ong told Bernama.
However, party secretary-general Wong Foon Meng said that so far no directive of the postponement had been given to him. Moreover, the party's constitution requires that the AGM be held before Dec 31 of each year. "If the new date is after Dec 31, we must then consult ROS about the requirement," he said.
Liow's faction said it had decided to called off the second EGM after that faction and the Ong-Chua factions reached "a tripartite consensus" on fresh elections. Najib, Muhyiddin to broker dealParty sources said all parties involved were still in disagreement on whether fresh polls should be limited only to the CC or should include the entire party structure such as the youth and women's wings as well as the central delegates.
They are said to be waiting for Prime Minister Najib Razak's return from overseas to break the deadlock on the fresh polls date while Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin continues to work towards finding an acceptable date.
Najib is currently in Trinidad and Tobago to attend the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM).
The feuding factions had met twice with Muhyiddin, on Nov 23 and Nov 24, but were still unable to find an agreeable date and whether the polls should be limited to the CC or be extended to the entire party. Ong's faction claimed that Liow's group had no choice but to call off the second EGM as it did not have enough number of delegates, saying that having a briefing would be a face-saving measure.
MCA CC member Ti Lian Ker (left) said that by having a briefing, more people could attend and it would not be limited to delegates only. However, Liow's faction denied that it did not have enough delegates."We have 1,300 delegates registered with us.
However, we decided to turn it into a briefing due to the tripartite consensus and not because we did not have the numbers," said the second EGM chief requisitionist Wong Nai Chee. One thing clear is that under the party constitution, a fresh polls can only be called if two-thirds of the CC resign or their term is up for re-election. The party had just held its election, in October last year, and the existing CC members' term will o
Thursday, November 26, 2009
MCA susceptible to graft, says leader
MCA susceptible to graft, says leader
KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has been urged to "keep an eye" on MCA as the recent leadership crisis and subsequent turn of events in the party could encourage political bribery and other corrupt practices.
MCA central committee member Datuk Ti Lian Ker said recent events had made the party vulnerable to infiltration by those with vested interests and external forces.
"Corruption and other similar practices will rear their head in many forms and faces, and the compromise by party leaders to kow tow to politico businessmen and the forces that may be is inevitable," he said.
Ti said leaders with lesser integrity would sell themselves short and compromise their position in the event of a political tussle, where their political survival was at stake and temptation of assuming more power was irresistible.
"I am deeply concerned and call upon the commission to exercise their vigilance, authority and intelligence to stamp out any potential corrupt practices, not only in Umno, but also in all component parties in line with the people's aspirations today."
He said the image of BN had improved tremendously with the high-profile no-nonsense actions taken against leaders and non-tolerance of corrupt practices.
Ti alleged that some delegates had been promised between RM500 and RM1,000 in pocket money, given accommodations, sumptuous dinners, taken to Genting Highlands and offered vacations.
Ti: MCA fresh polls should cover all levels Giam Say Khoon
Giam Say Khoon
KUALA LUMPUR (Nov 25, 2009): MCA non-governmental organisation liaison bureau chief Datuk Ti Lian Ker today proposed that the coming fresh polls to end the party's leadership crisis must cover the branch, division and youth and wanita wing.
Ti Lian Ker
In a statement, he said according to the party constitution, the tenure for the incumbents will expire in April 2011 but the fresh polls will extend the central committee's (CC) tenure to 2012 or 2013.
If the polls are confined to just the top posts and the central committee, it will create inconsistency in the terms of office for the CC, Youth and Wanita wings, divisions and branches. To overcome this problem, the formula for fresh polls for just the CC should be expanded to a general party election for all levels, said Ti.
"For the sake of party benefit and sincerity to give back the power to the one million party members, vice-president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai's side should agree to the above proposal," he said.
"Party members are questioning the principle and sincerity of Wee and Chew as leaders if they are not willing and brave enough to face re-election in the wings?
"If the two wing chiefs who are responsible for the split in the party are not involved in re-election; will the party crisis end with just the fresh polls for the CC?" he asked.
"MCA's problem now is not being able to implement the resolution passed in the first extraordinary general meeting (EGM) on Oct 10," he had said.
Liow's faction wanted fresh polls for the party top leadership as they felt that the Oct 10 EGM results were not respected as warring party president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat and deputy president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek had decided to call a truce after the meeting, although they had their leadership rejected by the central deleg
Ti: Have polls for all posts
Ti: Have polls for all posts
KUALA LUMPUR: Fresh elections in MCA should be conducted for the entire party, including its Youth and Wanita wings, says party central committee member Datuk Ti Lian Ker.
Ti said he believed that any proposal to have separate elections would result in a mess.
"If fresh polls are only confined to the parent body, it will cause inconsistency in the terms of office between the parent body and the two wings.
"Fresh polls should involve all levels in the party, starting from the branches to the divisions and finally, to the top leadership to prevent confusion and to resolve the party's leadership crisis.
"The same process should involve the Youth and Wanita wings," he said in a statement yesterday.
He said according to the party's constitution, all office bearers would see their term end by April 2011. However, if fresh elections are held soon, then their term would be extended until 2012 or 2013.
Ti said vice-president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai should agree for fresh polls at all levels as it would be in the best interest of the party and would also empower MCA delegates.
He also questioned Youth chief Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong as well as Wanita head Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun's justifications for rejecting fresh polls for their respective wings.
"On one hand, they are so excited in calling for fresh polls for the main body, but on the other, they are rejecting fresh polls for Youth and Wanita.
"I believe MCA members are wise and would question their honesty and principles.
"It appears as though they are afraid to face fresh elections for the two wings."
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Ti: Fresh polls must cover all levels in MCA
Thursday November 26, 2009
Ti: Fresh polls must cover all levels in MCA JAYA: Fresh elections for the MCA must cover all levels including the Youth and Wanita wings, said central committee member Datuk Ti Lian Ker.
He said polls must also be held for the branches, divisions and the central committee so that there would be no confusion in their terms of office.
“According to the party constitution, the term of office for all positions will end by April 2011 but the central leadership will hold their posts until 2012 or 2013 with the fresh elections,” he said in a statement yesterday.
As such, he said a fresh election for just the central leadership might result in a non-parallel timeframe of the term of office for those holding positions.
Ti questioned the sincerity of Youth and Wanita chiefs Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong and Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun who wanted fresh elections for the main body only.
He said party members were questioning their principles as they were unwilling and not daring enough to face election at their own wing.
Ti also wrote on his blog yesterday to explain why the MCA Youth and Wanita must hold fresh elections simultaneously with its parent body.
The party, he said, could not afford to have the wings continue challenging party president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat if Ong was given the mandate to continue leading the party.
“The wings’ chairmen are prime movers in the rebellion and they must also be held responsible for the political ruckus in the party,” he wrote on
He said it was only democratic that the entire party be overhauled via a fresh election.
“The Youth and Wanita leaders must put their leadership to the test as well.”
Ti said it was untenable under the present circumstances to allow the wings to remain status quo but force the president to have a fresh election.
Grassroots leaders, he said, had expressed the view that the party must be rejuvenated.
If a fresh election was called, Ti said the present leaders must respect the wishes of the central delegates who had voted for a direct election to be implemented immediately.
“This was a pledge made by the leaders during the last general assembly and supported by the central delegates,” he said.
Ti also slammed party vice-president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai for being inconsistent.
“When the president proposed to dissolve the central committee to pave way for a fresh election, you (Liow) had objected and spoke in the name of the central committee to object to the president’s proposal.
“When you no longer command the support of the CC members, you shifted the goalpost to the central delegates. I was disappointed to see that you have disregarded party unity,” he said.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Ong amenable to MCA polls in March 2010
Ong amenable to MCA polls in March 2010 LUMPUR, Nov 23 - MCA president Ong Tee Keat has joined his deputy Datuk Dr Chua Soi Lek in agreeing to hold party polls in March 2010 if it is conducted with the new direct elections by divisional delegates.
MCA NGO Liaison Bureau chief Datuk Ti Lian Ker said today Ong had never objected to fresh polls but insisted it must be done according to the party constitution.
Both Ong and Dr Chua were elected to their posts in October 2008 for a three-year term.
“On the fresh poll date, the President have no qualms with next March 2010, if the new electoral system involving the divisional delegates is ready,” Ti said in a statement released today.
He also castigated Ong’s rivals who have gone to the media and MCA’s allies within the Barisan Nasional in their efforts to force new party elections. Barisan Nasional deputy chairman Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said earlier today it would take him a week to resolve the MCA’s leadership crisis.
The crisis erupted when the Ong-controlled central committee sacked Dr Chua for smearing the party’s image for his involvement in a sex DVD that came to light in end 2007.
Dr Chua’s sacking was reduced to a four-year suspension but an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) on Oct 10 voted to overturn the suspension.
Ong then promoted vice-president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai as deputy president but Dr Chua appealed to the Registrar of Societies (RoS) who affirmed that Dr Chua was the rightful deputy.
Liow is now claiming that both leaders were rejected by the Oct 10 EGM and wants to call for another EGM on Nov 28 to ask for fresh polls this year.
Both Ong and Dr Chua who have since made up under a “Greater Unity Plan” have objected to the fresh EGM or party elections this year, saying Liow is still welcome to be part of the unity plan.
“In the interest of the party, we should be able to discuss and settle our problems internally from within the party. There is no necessity to force a perception that we are unable to sit down and discuss civilly with one another towards an amicable settlement of any dispute within the party,” Ti added.
He noted that Ong was the first person who had mooted the idea for fresh polls but was opposed vehemently by leaders such as Liow who were not in favour of calling for a fresh vote.
“This surprised the president who thought then that the CC members who had sworn to stand by him would vacate their CC seats en bloc through their resignation in order to pave way for a fresh poll in accordance with the provisions of the constitution. Nobody, including the president, could ever dissolve the CC duly elected in accordance with the constitution,” he added.
Ti also claimed the “Greater Unity Plan” is to unite the party and for a fresh election “when tempers have cooled and the delegates are clear of the issues facing the party”, adding Dr Chua had already announced that the party plans to have direct elections within six months.
He also reiterated that the unity plan was endorsed by Barisan Nasional chairman Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, who, however, said in recent days that the plan has clearly failed.
“It is such a mockery that Liow’s group is now harping on a fresh poll as if it’s their brainchild. They were deliberately silent on their objection to the idea of a fresh vote mooted by the president earlier.
“Their flip-flop is merely to derail the GUP and to embarrass the party and the President by inviting the interference of the Prime Minister and his Deputy. The recent events had clearly revealed their true sense of democracy and integrity,” Ti said.
MCA division leader alleged ‘Invisible Hands’ led to MCA crisis
MCA division leader alleged ‘Invisible Hands’ led to MCA crisis
Tue, Nov 24, 2009By Jaynne Koh
KUALA LUMPUR: MCA Puchong division vice-chairman Datuk Theng Bok claimed that “invisibles hands” were reportedly preying on political rivals within the MCA party, trying to topple certain leaders of MCA, apparently including current MCA top two leaders, in order to impose “minority rules”.
He even blamed such “invisible forces” — referred to by some media as the MCA’s “mysterious snoop squad” — as the root of MCA’s current leadership crisis.
Newly-appointed Central Committee member,Ti Lian Ker, in his blogpost at quoted Theng as having firm evidence to support his claims. Theng reported that literally the evidence was dropped outside of his office at Jaya 33 about two weeks ago — three volumes of the MCA investigation panel reports on the existence of a “Three-Man Secret Committee” dated June 10, 2008.
The documents alleged the squad comprised party vice-president Liow Tiong Lai, Deputy Youth and Sports Minister Wee Jeck Seng and former Gerakan Belia Bersatu chairman Tee An Chuan. The statements from several witnesses including Dr Chua Soi Lek, former vice-president Donald Lim, former Serdang MP Yap Pian Hon and former Damansara Utama assemblyman Lim Choon Kin, which have proven the members of this ’snoop squad’, are the ‘elements’ in the reports which corroborated with the claims of his client, MCA veteran Wong Leong.
The original reports owere lodged by Wong Leong, for whom Theng acted as legal counsel, with both urging the party’s disciplinary board to reopen this ’snoop squad’ case.
In response to such "new evidences", Ti, who is MCA NGO Bureau chief, opposed the duo’s request to re-look at the snoop squad incient, questioning: Why did Liow continue to disrespect the CC decision after losing control of the CC and instead carry the battle to the street [… …]?
Ti also asked why didn’t the Prime Minister call up Liow and his supporters to tick them off for being recalcitrant and not advise them to be team players.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Ti: It was Ong's idea to have elections
Ti: It was Ong's idea to have elections
KUALA LUMPUR: MCA president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat is agreeable to fresh elections by next March.
Central committee member Datuk Ti Lian Ker said yesterday that Ong had always been supportive of fresh polls using a new electoral system.
He said vice-president Da-tuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai and his allies were harping on the need for fresh polls "as though it was their brainchild".
"Ong was first to moot the idea of fresh polls but this was opposed by Liow and other leaders at the Oct 15 central committee meeting.
"Liow's group is now harping on fresh polls as though it was their idea. They had been silent earlier on their objections to the idea mooted by Ong.
"Their flip-flopping is to embarrass the party and derail the Greater Unity Plan."
Ong not averse to fresh polls in March, says Ti
Tuesday November 24, 2009
Ong not averse to fresh polls in March, says Ti
PETALING JAYA: MCA president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat is not averse to having fresh polls for the party in March, if the new electoral system involving the divisional delegates is ready, said central committee member Datuk Ti Lian Ker.
He said Ong had never objected to having fresh election as long as it was in line with the party constitution.
“In the interest of the party, we should be able to discuss and settle our problems internally,” he said in a statement yesterday.
Ti, who is also MCA NGO liason bureau chief, said Ong had mooted the idea for a fresh election during the Oct 15 CC meeting but this was opposed vehemently by vice-president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai and some CC members.
Ti added that the Greater Unity Plan (GUP) was therefore proposed and accepted by deputy president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek and his supporters.
The GUP was to unite the party towards a fresh election when tempers were cooled and the delegates are clear about the issues facing the party.
“As per the announcement of Dr Chua, we were planning to have a direct election in about six months’ time.”
Ti said however the GUP was not accepted by Liow and his supporters.
In his blog, Ti also questioned the need for the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister to intervene in the MCA crisis when Ong was gaining support from two-thirds of the central committee.
“How can MCA be worse off when the leadership is getting stronger and the two-thirds support is an absolute support in democratic terms?
“All this was achieved in accordance with democracy and the party constitution without outside interference,” he said yesterday.
He said the GUP was on course and the exclusion of the Youth and Wanita chiefs was a lesson for them to behave.
He also questioned why the Prime Minister had not taken Liow and his supporters to task for not being team players.
“Why should the party constitution and interest be sacrificed or sidelined to appease an aggressive minority?”
Ti said the party could not afford to have infighting in the presidential council, the party’s administrative body, every week.
He added that the door to the council would be opened to both the Youth and Wanita leaders if they had supported the GUP.
Ong not averse to fresh polls in March, says Ti
Ong not averse to fresh polls in March, says Ti
PETALING JAYA: MCA president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat is not averse to having fresh polls for the party in March, if the new electoral system involving the divisional delegates is ready, said central committee member Datuk Ti Lian Ker.
He said Ong had never objected to having fresh election as long as it was in line with the party constitution.
“In the interest of the party, we should be able to discuss and settle our problems internally,” he said in a statement yesterday.
Ti, who is also MCA NGO liason bureau chief, said Ong had mooted the idea for a fresh election during the Oct 15 CC meeting but this was opposed vehemently by vice-president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai and some CC members.
Ti added that the Greater Unity Plan (GUP) was therefore proposed and accepted by deputy president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek and his supporters.
The GUP was to unite the party towards a fresh election when tempers were cooled and the delegates are clear about the issues facing the party.
“As per the announcement of Dr Chua, we were planning to have a direct election in about six months’ time.”
Ti said however the GUP was not accepted by Liow and his supporters.
In his blog, Ti also questioned the need for the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister to intervene in the MCA crisis when Ong was gaining support from two-thirds of the central committee.
“How can MCA be worse off when the leadership is getting stronger and the two-thirds support is an absolute support in democratic terms?
“All this was achieved in accordance with democracy and the party constitution without outside interference,” he said yesterday.
He said the GUP was on course and the exclusion of the Youth and Wanita chiefs was a lesson for them to behave.
He also questioned why the Prime Minister had not taken Liow and his supporters to task for not being team players.
“Why should the party constitution and interest be sacrificed or sidelined to appease an aggressive minority?”
Ti said the party could not afford to have infighting in the presidential council, the party’s administrative body, every week.
He added that the door to the council would be opened to both the Youth and Wanita leaders if they had supported the GUP.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Outside interference akin to ‘political godfather’ culture, says Ti
Outside interference akin to ‘political godfather’ culture, says Ti
By Shazwan Mustafa KamalKUALA LUMPUR, Nov 19 — MCA central committee member Datuk Ti Lian Ker said there should be no "political godfather" culture in the party where party leaders turn to other component parties for support.
"There should be no culture of this sort from within the party, where certain individuals continually subvert and undermine the party's agenda, purely because they have the comfort of crying to their political godfather outside the party."
This was in response to the Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin's comment from Rome expressing the possibility of Umno intervening in MCA's on-going leadership crisis.
"We appreciate the DPM's concern, but at the same time we would like to see to the party's internal affairs ourselves in order to stabilise the party," said Ti, who is also MCA liaison bureau chief.
Ti, a staunch supporter of MCA president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat, feels that the "perception" of outside interference will further damage the integrity of the party.
"When other BN component parties have internal problems, they don't let other parties step in to solve their problems. MCA , as of late, seems to be orchestrating a scenario to justify external interference," said Ti.
He also hit out at MCA Youth chief Datuk Wee Ka Siong and Wanita chief Datuk Paduka Chew Mei Fun for dramatising as well as distorting the “reshuffling” of the presidential council.
"The presidential council is merely a body responsible for the administration of the affairs of the party. The media has been misled into making headlines that appear as if the GUP (Greater Unity Plan) has failed, or there are abuses or wrongdoings."
He added that the usage of expressions such as "burn", "chop" and "slash" to describe the removal of several MCA leaders from the presidential council is incorrect as the issue does not exist. The president simply needed to appoint people whom he deemed fit to implement the GUP, a team which does not undermine the MCA leadership.
"This is nothing but political drama. I can testify that Wee Ka Siong and Chew Mei Fun were happily giving their views, smiling and laughing throughout the CC meeting, which has been the best CC meeting after the recent EGM.
"They were present, and had the right to seek clarification and not go to the media and put on theatrics and accuse the leadership of wrongdoings. They resorted to the drama of breaking down and crying in public," said Ti, who appeared quite emotional himself.
He asserted that despite the reshuffle, the Wanita and Youth wings are still adequately represented.
He urged component BN parties not to encourage "street political culture" and to emulate Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's stand on the matter.
"I hope that whatever the external decisions, component leaders should emulate the Prime Minister's leadership values of checking, seeking explanation before making statements perceived to be undermining the leadership of MCA."
Ironically, the prime minister himself just stated today that he will in fact step in and meet party leaders individually, after describing the leadership tussle in the party as "worse" and "more serious."
He also said that many people were upset with the party and this does go well with Barisan's attempt to resuscitate the coalition and reform its image in the eyes of the public.
Najib's statement echoes Muhyiddin's, an indication that Umno is growing weary of MCA's internal bickering.
Ong yesterday dropped Wee, Chew and seven others aligned to vice-president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai from the party's presidential council.
Ong's decision to drop Liow's supporters has plunged the party deeper into crisis with a disputed EGM looming.
The party president replaced Liow's men on the presidential council with supporters of Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek, reflecting a deal between the two men to fill the party appointments with leaders aligned either with Ong or Dr Chua.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Ti blames it on biased reporting by Chinese media
Wednesday November 18, 2009
Ti blames it on biased reporting by Chinese media
PETALING JAYA: The MCA is in the process of resolving its internal problems but the party is not receiving the encouragement and support from the Chinese media, said central committee (CC) member Datuk Ti Lian Ker.
He said all parties including Umno had their share of political upheavals and would ultimately be settled with the victor emerging stronger.
Ti accused the Chinese media of being partisan in their reporting, adding the media and other forces had fanned up speculations to remove party president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat.

“If they cannot remove Ong as president, then they are prepared to destroy, sideline or marginalise MCA,” said Ti, who is also the party Kuantan division head, said in his blog
In a hard-hitting posting, Ti said the Chinese media was now monopolised by the Sin Chew group, saying “the power of the Chinese media over the Chinese electorate would render the media owner personal power without having to be directly involved in the political arena.”
Ti also criticised an article on the political situation in MCA written by Rita Sim (pic), the executive director of Sin Chew Media Corp Bhd, which had appeared in an English daily.
Sim wrote that MCA had to resolve its internal problems soon before the Chinese community looked elsewhere for a more reliable representation.
She commented that MCA appeared to be incapable of resolving its leadership crisis, and there was increasing speculation that other alternative channels in the Chinese community might step into the political representation vacuum left by the MCA’s inability to perform.
Ti said Sim’s article was not based on research, but based on an earlier article written by her and published in another English publication previously.
“Sim is no longer the deputy chairman of Insap (Institute of Strategic Analysis and Policy Research) as she has tendered her resignation,” he wrote in his blog.
He said Sim, by proposing alternative channels to fill “a created or orchestrated political vacuum” was doing a “great injustice to the MCA.”
Related Stories:Ong: Work together to succeed in China
MCA may adopt new system to pick party leaders, says Soi Lek
Chew has discredited herself, says Chua
Monday, November 16, 2009
Sri Gading MP slammed
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KUALA LUMPUR - An MP from Johor has been taken to task for using his parliamentary immunity to level unfounded accusations against Ong Tee Keat.
From non-issue to issue "The questionable manner and sensationalism of a non-issue seemed not only to reflect badly on individual MPs but also the federal government and Barisan Nasional as the ruling party. Why are they spinning a non-issue into an issue?" Ti also questioned Mohamad's motive, saying that Ong had done nothing wrong and was working in accordance with public expectations of commitment, accountability and transparency. Unwarranted attacks from within the coalition is sending the wrong signal to the public, said Ti, who equated such action as a "head-hunting spree". | ||||
Last Updated on Tuesday, 17 November 2009 05:22 |
Say sorry to Ong for baseless innuendoes, Sri Gading MP told
Tuesday November 17, 2009
Say sorry to Ong for baseless innuendoes, Sri Gading MP told
PETALING JAYA: The MCA special task force bureau wants Sri Gading MP Datuk Mohamad Aziz to apologise to Transport Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat for raising “baseless innuendoes” over the KTM Bhd train purchase.
Its chairman Simon Lim said in a statement here yesterday that Mohamad should be taken to task for his unnecessary outburst in Parliament.
“It is totally irresponsible for him to raise such slanderous claims when he does not have an inkling on the background of the diesel multiple units’ (DMUs) purchase.
“Any right-minded person would do a background investigation on the issue before spewing such verbal toxins.
“If the Sri Gading MP is a man of honour, he should issue an unequivocal apology to the MCA president immediately for whatever he was implying at and not easily hide behind parliamentary immunity,” he said, questioning if Mohamad had a “hidden motive” for creating such innuendoes.
The MP had in his debate inquired if there was “something fishy” about the purchase.
“His rhetoric did not cease when Mohamad Aziz called on the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission to investigate the minister, inaccurately alluding to Ong of misappropriation, and if necessary, to charge him in court, and erroneously implying that the minister had squandered money on the purchase of old trains,” said Lim.
He pointed out that Ong had issued an explanation on the purchase to the media while the ministry had also provided a point-by-point statement on the eight issues regarding the purchase.
He said it was unfortunate when MPs misused their parliamentary immunity to launch tirades and baseless allegations against their fellow MPs.
MCA NGO liaison bureau chief Datuk Ti Lian Ker, in slamming Mohamad, said the manner which ministries were taken to task over “non-issues” was disappointing the public.
“It’s worse if MPs among the backbenchers are seen to be barking up the wrong tree or perceived to be abusing their parliamentary privileges to discredit targeted ministries or ministers,” he said.
Ti also lamented that lately, there were Barisan Nasional backbenchers who “behaved worse then irresponsible Opposition members” in distorting or misrepresenting to the public alleged abuses.
“Their actions have led the public to believe there is a dire need to upgrade the quality of our elected representatives,” he said, adding that this culture which used to be prevalent among Opposition MPs was now common among backbenchers, giving the perception that they lacked credibility, ability and integrity.
He said the backbenchers acted as if they were “going for a head-hunting spree”.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
TI LIAN KER: Ong's advice to tread with caution ignored
TI LIAN KER: Ong's advice to tread with caution ignored
THE latest developments in MCA had the legal eagles seeking answers and solutions to the confusion and collusions.
To begin with, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai goes down in history as the first and only person who has shared the secretary-general's post in MCA Youth in 2002, and that of the deputy president's post from Oct 15 to Nov 3 this year.
In 2002, Loh Seng Kok and Liow, who were the political secretaries to Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik and Tan Sri Lim Ah Lek respectively, held the post of MCA Youth secretary-general jointly.
This was despite the fact that the constitution of MCA Youth provides for only one secretary-general. The constitutional provisions were not upheld.
That was the time when the MCA constitution was sidelined, and the rule of law made a mockery of by leaders who were all too powerful and mighty.
That was the time when MCA Youth members threw chairs during the general assembly.
That was the time when the MCA held an election where nominations were allowed, but elections disallowed.
Liow made history again lately when he successfully lobbied and received sufficient support in the powerful Central Committee (CC) to bulldoze him into being deputy president on Oct 15.
This was despite the president's (Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat's) caution and hesitation -- supported by another vice-president Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen -- that the party should tread cautiously to avoid moving further into troubled waters.
The president had said there was no need to be hasty in deciding that the deputy president's position is vacant and as such the post need not be filled immediately as Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek had written to the Registrar of Societies to clarify his legal status after the Oct 10 EGM resolutions.
This was to avoid any subsequent complications arising from the election of a new deputy president when there may not be a vacancy.
However, the agenda was to appoint Liow as the deputy president and thereafter force or pressure the president to quit in the name of respecting the EGM.
This was in view of the provision in the party constitution that "if the president shall cease to hold office for any reason whatsoever, the deputy president shall hold that office as president..."
The former legal bureau chairman had insisted that the resolutions for Oct 10 need only be passed by a simple majority during the Oct 15 CC meeting.
Subsequently, Liow was elected by a majority of the CC to fill in the purported vacancy of the deputy president's post.
On Nov 3, the Registrar wrote to Soi Lek stating the MCA deputy president's post was not vacant.
Therefore, the decision of the CC on Oct 15 was flawed and void ab initio. The CC meeting on Nov 3 had rectified and corrected the error by adopting the clarification by the Registrar.
Unfortunately, this was not accepted by Liow who reserved his right to pursue the matter in a court of law.
Next came the requisition by the president on Oct 15 calling for an EGM under Article 30.1 to resolve whether fresh elections need to be held. This was strongly opposed by some CC members. Liow himself had in the CC meeting said that the party was capable of resolving existing problems, and he had disagreed with the call for another EGM.
He had also said that the president could continue to lead. However, he said that many CC members were worried about the image of the president and the party.
Liow had insisted that the CC meeting be allowed to find the best solution to resolve the party's problem, and that another EGM would be a waste of party funds and resources.
On Oct 29, 16 CC members who were opposed to the president's call for an EGM did an about turn.
They signed a requisition for an EGM pursuant to Article 30.2 of the constitution. The requisition was said to have been endorsed and supported by Liow, too.
Both the requisitions were rejected by the secretary-general as being unconstitutional as the circumstances for calling for a fresh election had been stated by the constitution as follows:
i. Under Article 167 whereby the party is to hold an election every three years;
ii. Under Article 41 where two-thirds or more of the elected central committee members cease to be members;
iii. Under Article 35 where there is a dismissal of all or at least two-thirds or more of the members of the central committee by virtue of Article 41.
* Datuk Ti Lian Ker is a MCA central committee member.
Developments in the MCA since the Oct 10 extraordinary general meeting have captivated public attention. TI LIAN KER offers a look into the goings-on within the party's powerful central committee.