Thursday, December 25, 2008



(01) 几天前,我针对回教断肢法,在部落格撰搞评论,引起各种各样的反应;有人不以为然、有人感到愤怒、有人顾左右而言他。无论如何,我认为这是一个全民的议题,全体人民都有权利发言,也有权利知道真相;不只是回教徒或马来同胞而已。

(02) 在同一个时候,我花掉不少时间遨游网页,参考网友的动向,综合一些意见和感想,要跟大家一起分享:

(a) 回教党沙亚南区国会议员卡立沙末说;如果回教党在来届大选赢得多数席位,就证明人民支持断肢法,公正党和行动党必须尊重民意,赞同民联政府实施回教断肢法。

(b) 回教党经常坚持;断肢法是根据真主旨意拟订的法律,一定比人类的立法更好 , 可以更有效克服社会犯罪问题。当然,实际的情况并不如此简单,犯罪生态日益复杂化,蓝领犯罪加上白领犯罪,绝对不是“神的旨意”就可以轻易解决的。

(c) 回教党也时常说;国内各阶层人民人可以接受英国人制定的刑事法典,为什么不能接受回教法典 ?提出这个论点的人,似乎简单化看待刑事法典的历史和演变,没有考虑到我国人民接受的,不是英国人的法律制度,而是全世界大多数人民和政府,包括不少回教国家实施的制度。

(b) 一些人责骂非回教徒,为什么多管闲事,既然断肢法只是实施于回教徒,为什么非回教徒提出反对 ?我想我们不必浪费时间猜测推论,在回教党的构思中,断肢法的对象确实包括教徒和非教徒的,不过,为了策略上的需要,他们暂时不说清楚。就好象他们在大选时,向非回教徒承诺建立福利国,现在则坚持建立“回教政权”是他们坚定不移的目标。

(c) 回教党也表示;如果人民可以接受包含“死刑”的英国式法律,为什么不能接受只是砍手砍脚的回教断肢法 ?死刑不是比砍手断脚更残忍吗 ?我想这个论调再次证明;回教党似是而非的立场,因为断肢法采用宗教教条展开审讯,过程和机制绝对轮不到非教徒过问,结果活生生被砍手砍脚 ,听了令人心寒。当然,人民也可以想象到;在执法的过程中,只有那些生活穷苦、边缘化的民众,将因为犯下一般偷窃打枪,而接受断肢法的治罪,变成一个个残障人士。

(d) 如果断肢法是回教党的斗争目标,为什么不拿去该党的代表大会公开讨论 ? 为什么不把“断肢法”放在大选竞选宣言 ?回教党为什么浪费那么多时间,到处攻击巫统领袖、国阵领袖、甚至攻击自己的盟友 ?

(e) 在断肢法的审讯过程中,非回教徒的地位是怎样的 ?非回教徒作为被告,作为证人,他们的权利是否跟回教徒一模一样 ?如果4个非回教成年男人,目击一宗轮奸案,他们的联合供词可以将被告定罪吗 ?或者是说由于他们不是教徒,他们必须改教后,才可以在法庭上作证 ?

(03) 因此,经过一番思索之后,我决定有条件支持联邦政府修改宪法,赋权于吉兰丹州回教党政府实施断肢法,不过,必须慎重声明的是;对象只是州内的回教徒,非回教徒继续接受原有的刑事法典。

(04) 我想;与其让回教党经常针对“断肢法”兴风作浪,不如让它亲身体验,到底“断肢法”是不是仙丹灵药,可以解决吉兰丹境内的犯罪问题。我相信;争议那么多年,这是最好的办法,也是可行的方法,让吉兰丹州的经验,一劳永逸解决“断肢法”的争议。

Saturday, December 20, 2008

PKFZ "Scandal"

The report will be out tomorrow?
It may be the mother of many sorrows..
How will it affect the K.Trengganu battle?
Is there a scandal?
Who is responsible?
Let the people decide..
No consideration for pain or pride..
Let's not pretend or deny.
The people have cried...
The culprits must be tried!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

passing of the silent prince..

in his silence..
he exudes strength..
a man of no nonsense..
always at an arm's length..
i remember him..
it has been two decade since..
he's still the same..
the silent prince..
a man of few words..
diligent and efficient..
few matched his worth..
proof of an honest politician.

Four Pahang Horsemen of cyber apocalypse

Four Pahang Horsemen of cyber apocalypse
By N. J. AHMAD December 05, 2008 Categories: CyberspotPakatan Rakyat watch out – Cyberspace, once almost the exclusive domain of the opposition parties, is now witnessing the serious entrance of Barisan Nasional bloggers, much to the delight of their supporters. And nowhere is this more concerted and leaving significant impact on cyber surfers than the blogging efforts of “Four Pahang Horsemen” – all respected members of society with important positions in the ruling government – who have met the Pakatan head-on in cyberspace through their blogs. Previously known only within their State, this quadrangular band of “VIP bloggers” who entered cyberspace after the general election last March, are now better known throughout the country and among Malaysian expatriates working overseas. They started at a time when morale among the BN supporters was at the lowest ebb, after losing four States – and failing to regain Kelantan. However, slowly but surely, they have gained a foothold on the socio-political (SoPo) blogosphere by carving out some cyber territory for themselves. And the fact that all are able to write well in at least two languages – English and Bahasa Malaysia, and also Mandarin for two of them – has seen these VIPs gaining an ever-increasing number of readers and influence over the months since then. But more importantly, they have assets that hold them in good stead among the critical blog readers – substance and credibility. Besides these, they appear to be from a new breed of BN leaders – one that is open enough to acknowledge the weaknesses of the coalition while vigorously defending fundamental points, and dishing out hard-hitting criticisms against their opponents. Pang Tsu Ming ( – a second-term State assemblyman for Semambu from the MCA, and a chartered accountant by training — started his blog in May with “the desire to communicate with readers and the public through an interactive platform”. After a maiden post that was merely a reprint of a news report from an English language daily about land problems in Pahang, Pang – who also writes in Mandarin – gradually grew in confidence. As proof of this self-assurance, his latest post is not only in Bahasa Malaysia – it is also titled with something that a non-Malay and Muslim with less knowledge of this community would not have dared to touch on: “Kalau Dah Rezeki, Tak Ke Mana?”. This type of post certainly elevates Pang’s credibility as a representative of all races, and not just the Chinese. His blogging compatriot, Datuk Ti Lian Ker ( is similarly respected by many Malay readers. Ti, who was previously a three-term state assemblyman for Teruntum, espouses the spirit of cooperation for a common cause despite political differences. But the biggest sensation among the four VIPs would surely be Datuk Ariff Sabri Abdul Aziz ( – or much better known in cyberspace by his nom de plume of Sakmongkol AK47. Ariff, a one-term state assemblyman for Pulau Manis, is certainly an enigma; and one who has grown in stature and now wields considerable influence over a disparate audience from all races and political affiliations due to the exceptional quality of his posts. Besides being prolific – he often writes three posts daily, each the length of this article – Ariff’s bluntness, wit and seeming truthfulness add further value to his writings. And no one would doubt or question the intellectual capability of this kickboxer who holds a Masters degree in Economics from Manchester University. The last of the foursome is from Mukim Dong – an area made infamous by bomoh couple Mona Fandey and Affendy Abdul Rahman with the gruesome murder of former exco Datuk Mazlan Idris – Datuk Shamsuddin Nawawi (, who is the political secretary to Pahang Menteri Besar Datuk Adnan Yaakob. Unlike the more diplomatic Ariff, bowling fan Shamsuddin is a fighter – and one who doesn’t mince words in his posts and replies. And he is one who makes “strikes” and is able to convert “spares” when it comes to his posts and replies – as the opposition and even “fellow Umno and BN personalities” who had aroused his ire found to their detriment. Readers have been pleased to discover how influential “Datuk Sam” and his blog are. On quite a few occasions, the local authorities had immediately responded and rectified problems that had annoyed him – sometimes within a few hours of his post appearing! The BN bloggers throughout the country are out to gain territory in cyberspace. With these Pahang Horsemen showing the way, their counterparts elsewhere could take heart that cyberspace need not be alien territory and the opposition’s kingdom any longer.