Monday, September 28, 2009
‘MCA conflict won’t dent BN hopes in by-election’
Written by Yong Min Wei Wednesday, 23 September 2009 22:44
KUALA LUMPUR: The conflict between the MCA president and his deputy is expected to come to a head at the party’s extraordinary general meeting (EGM) on Oct 10, but a senior official thinks it will not dent Barisan Nasional’s (BN) standing with some 1,500 Chinese in the Bagan Pinang by-election, whose votes may be crucial at the ballot the following day.
MCA central committee member Datuk Ti Lian Ker said the Chinese in Bagan Pinang were more concerned with bread-and-butter issues, Chinese educational matters and the prime minister’s general policies rather than with political polemics.
He said the Chinese in the primarily urban constituency would appreciate that the government had been more accommodative towards the economic well-being of non-Malay communities by lifting the 30% bumiputera equity. They are also happy that there are now bigger allocations to build vernacular schools.
“Datuk Seri Najib Razak has brought in a positive vibe since taking over the premiership. There have been no sensitive issues his administration had introduced,” Ti told The Edge Financial Daily on Sept 23.
According to him, the MCA Teluk Kemang division under which Bagan Pinang falls, has not shown any indication whether it would support president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat or suspended deputy president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek, so the MCA conflict should be a non-issue during the by-election campaign.
“MCA has always campaigned with one voice in any election... The local Chinese leadership will be able to deliver,” said Ti, who is also MCA NGO liaison bureau chairman.
Expressing confidence that MCA has a strong base of voters in Bagan Pinang, he however felt that should there be media hype and sensationalisation over the MCA conflict leading to polling day, the Chinese voters could be disheartened and end up either not coming out to vote or voting in protest.
“If every day during the campaigning period the MCA conflict is front-paged, then the general mood of the Chinese voters would be different,” said Ti, a former three-term state assemblyman.
Last week, MCA announced it will convene an EGM on Oct 10 to solve a crisis plaguing the party following the sacking of Chua. However, the party central committee had over the weekend overturned the sacking, in favour of a four-year suspension.
The by-election for the Bagan Pinang state constituency is anticipated to be another fierce face-off between BN and Pakatan Rakyat (PR). Some political analysts opined that the battle would favour BN as it would be an uphill task for the opposition pact to overturn the 2,333-vote majority obtained last year by Umno’s Azman Mohammad Noor on a backdrop of PR showing signs of cracks in a couple of states under its control.
An analyst said BN’s choice of candidate would be critical to ensure whether it would win big in Bagan Pinang, adding that Najib’s strong approval ratings coupled with some goodies expected to be thrown in and support of the majority of the 4,000-odd postal voters would force PR to do plenty of catching up.
Bagan Pinang has 13,664 voters of whom 8,577 or 62.77% are Malays, 1,498 (10.96%) Chinese, 2,834 (20.74%) Indians and others 755 (5.54%). The figure includes 4,604 postal voters.
The opposition, however, is not impressed. “Nobody cares about MCA. Did you read the latest online news?” said Negri Sembilan opposition leader Anthony Loke when contacted. He said the MCA conflict had virtually no bearing on the Bagan Pinang by-election and that PR would want to reach out to the voters en masse with a combination of national and local issues, including the Port Klang Free Zone scandal, death of political aide Teoh Beng Hock and the Perak political impasse, to ride on.
Loke pointed out that the by-election would be a platform to advise voters on the higher cost of living in Negri Sembilan, as the DAP had received numerous complaints that household water bills in the state have surged following the corporatisation of the Negri Sembilan Water Supply Department early this year.
“There has been no increase in water tariffs but many have complained that their water bills have gone up quite high,” said Loke, who is also Lobak assemblyman and Rasah MP.“Every voter is a king-maker and it is our duty to bring to the attention of the voters any shortcomings in the governance and delivery system of the state,” he added when asked if the DAP would mainly concentrate on the Chinese voters.Prior to the death of the Bagan Pinang assemblyman, BN controlled 21 of the 36 seats in the Negri Sembilan state legislative assembly, while PR has 15. The Election Commission has fixed Oct 3 for nomination and Oct 11 for polling in the event of a contest.
Third force’ blamed for re-emergence of Chua’s DVD
Written by Sharon Tan Wednesday, 23 September 2009 22:38
KUALA LUMPUR: A “third force” has been blamed for the recent re-emergence of the sex DVD of suspended MCA deputy president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek.
As the Oct 10 date for the MCA extraordinary general meeting (EGM) draws nearer, Chua has been faced with the re-emergence of the DVD that continues to haunt his political career. The DVD first surfaced in late 2007 in Muar and Batu Pahat in Johor, leading Chua to resign from all party posts and also as health minister. This time the DVD is said to have been sent out from Bukit Mertajam.
MCA NGO liaison bureau chairman and central committee member Datuk Ti Lian Ker said the sex DVD should be put behind.
“There is a hidden hand in the entire DVD issue that had damaged MCA as a credible political party. The DVD incident is an incident of the past and Chua had been an unfortunate victim of these unseen hands, rendering him a liability to the party,” said Ti in a statement.
Saying party members should not be distracted with the re-emergence of the DVD, Ti claimed that the DVD was circulated by a “third force” to cause maximum damage to the party and arouse the anger of Chua’s sympathisers against president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat.
Chua's sex DVD resurfaces
![]() | ![]() | ![]() Dr Chua (left) reportedly said that the DVD was sent from Bukit Mertajam this time. However, the Bukit Mertajam MCA division has denied that they had a hand in it. -- PHOTO: AP |
PETALING JAYA - THE sex DVD which led to the downfall of former Malaysian Health Minister Chua Soi Lek has resurfaced, sparking off a fresh round of controversy and raising the who-and-why question.
MCA central committee member Ti Lian Ker is blaming it on a 'third force' from within the party which redistributed the DVD to add more fuel to the current leadership tussle.
The DVD, which became public last year, was a recording of a tryst between the suspended MCA deputy president and an unidentified woman.
Dr Chua reportedly said that the DVD was sent from Bukit Mertajam this time. However, the Bukit Mertajam MCA division has denied that they had a hand in it.
Mr Ti said on Wednesday the re-emergence of the DVD was another move by unseen hands to embarrass Dr Chua besides inciting anger and hatred against party president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat.
'There is indeed a third force from within the party intending to exploit and inflict maximum damage to the personality and credibility of both Ong and Dr Chua, with little or no love for the party.
'Their motive is obvious - to dislocate and uproot Ong's leadership and to damage Dr Chua permanently,' he said on his blog
Such an act was targetted at destroying the party and the next party leader would be a lame duck, he said. 'This third force wanted to control MCA's leadership for their personal agenda. The disagreement from within the party had rendered them an opportunity to kill two big birds with one stone,' he said.
Mr Ti warned delegates to be wary of these unseen hands which were bent on manipulating events that would affect the party's image and dignity.
'The DVD is a blemish of the past and ought to be left behind,' he said, adding that the party needs to move forward 'instead of being stuck in muddy waters.'
'All we need now is a fresh mandate and added strength to enable the present party leadership to continue with the course that we have taken,' he said. --Sunday, September 27, 2009
Sebaran semula DVD Soi Lek angkara pihak ketiga
Sebaran semula DVD Soi Lek angkara pihak ketiga September 27 2009
Oleh Zukri Aksah
KUANTAN, 25 Sept — Ahli MCA diminta tidak terganggu dengan kemunculan semula video seks Chua Soi Lek dalam edaran awam yang dipercayai didalangi pihak ketiga yang sengaja mahu melihat MCA berhadapan dengan risiko berantakan dan mahu menimbulkan kemarahan penyokong Chua Soi Lek terhadap Ong Tee Kiat, begitulah pesan Dato’ Ti Lian Ker, Ahli Jawatankuasa Kerja Pusat MCA.
Bekas Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Pahang selama tiga penggal ini mengutuk sekeras-kerasnya tindakan penyebaran semula DVD ini sambil menghargai tindakan terdahulu Soi Lek yang telah melepaskan semua jawatannya secara bermaruah. Bagi beliau, tidak perlulah lagi untuk memalukannya secara berterusan kerana jelas beliau sudah menerima hukumannya. Isu DVD tersebut adalah perkara malang masa lalu MCA dan akui Ti, MCA sekarang berhadapan dengan konflik kepimpinan kerananya.
Ini terbukti dengan keputusan Majlis Presiden MCA memecat Soi Lek berdasarkan rekomendasi Lembaga Disiplin telah dibatalkan dan diganti dengan hukuman gantung keahlian selama empat tahun oleh Jawatankuasa Kerja Pusat. Jelas Ti, inilah hasil dari parti yang telah retak kesatuannya dek kerana pandangan dan pendekatan yang berbeza.
Maka, bagi Ti, EGM yang dipanggil oleh parti merupakan satu keperluan wajib buat MCA sekarang, bukan bertujuan untuk memenangkan mana-mana pihak atau untuk menyingsing lengan baju beradu siapa kuat, tetapi membawa satu hasrat mulia menyatukan semula parti sejajar dengan kehendak demokrasi. EGM bakal menjadi wadah terbaik buat para perwakilan untuk menggunakan kuasa mereka dalam menentukan kompas kepimpinan parti pada masa hadapan dan menstabilkan semula parti.
Ti tegas dalam dakwaannya bahawa kemunculan semula DVD seks Soi Lek merupakan satu lagi siri tindakan tangan-tangan ghaib yang berusaha mahu membakar emosi, kemarahan dan kebencian di kalangan ahli bagi memalukan Soi Lek, tetapi dalam masa yang sama meletakkan kesalahan di bahu kepimpinan MCA sekarang. Ti malah menyedari yang wujudnya kesungguhan dari pihak ketiga ini, yang juga dari dalam parti, yang berniat mahu mengeksploitasi keadaan ini lalu mengakibatkan kemusnahan personaliti dan kredibiliti yang maksimum terhadap Ong Tee Kiat dan Chua Soi Lek.
Senario sebegini jika diterima oleh ahli MCA yang sedang marah boleh sahaja mengakibatkan kemusnahan kekal kepada parti. Pada masa itu, ujar Ti, bawalah siapa sahaja, yang sehebat mana sekalipun untuk memimpin parti, ia hanya akan menjadi kerja sia-sia.
Ti percaya bahawa pihak ketiga ini mahu mengawal kepimpinan MCA untuk motif dan agenda peribadi mereka, mereka berniat mahu menguasai kepimpinan MCA seperti mereka lakukan pada masa lalu. Ketidaksepakatan dalam MCA kebelakangan ini memberi peluang kepada pihak ini untuk bertindak “sambil menyelam minum air.”
Ti mengingatkan perwakilan yang akan hadir untuk EGM nanti supaya berhati-hati dengan tangan-tangan ghaib ini. Parti harus berani untuk terus bergerak ke hadapan dalam kerangka perjuangan lebih besar dari terperangkap dengan kenangan sejarah lalu. Untuk ini, nyata Ti, parti sangat-sangat memerlukan mandat baru dan kekuatan tambahan bagi membolehkan kepimpinan sedia ada meneruskan apa sahaja tindakan yang telah diambil.
Ti turut mengingatkan bahawa semakin hampir dengan tarikh EGM, semakin banyak onar yang akan diperbuat pihak ketiga ini dalam usaha memprovokasi emosi dan sentimen para perwakilan, maka rasionaliti, kewarasan dan kematanganlah yang perlu bagi menghadapinya.
Ti menyeru kepada semua perwakilan EGM MCA nanti, yang di tangan merekalah masa hadapan MCA dipertaruhkan supaya terus kekal tenang dan bersikap bijaksana serta teliti dalam melaksanakan hak mereka ketika mengundi dalam EGM yang telah ditetapkan pada 10 Oktober 2009. Pinta Ti, biarlah parti menjadi semakin kuat, bukan sebaliknya, demi perjuangan parti yang lebih besar dan panjang serta untuk agenda yang belum selesai.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
'Kump ke-3' dalang DVD seks Chua
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'Kump ke-3' dalang DVD seks Chua
Sep 23, 09 1:34pm
Penyebaran kembali DVD skandal seks bekas pemimpin kanan MCA Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek bertujuan menarik simpati kepadanya dan sekali gus menyalahkan presiden parti, kata seorang pemimpinnya.
Ahli jawatankuasa pusat MCA Datuk Ti Lian Ker berharap anggota parti itu tidak terpesong dengan tindakan itu yang bertujuan "menyebabkan kerosakan maksimum kepada parti dan membangkitkan kemarahan mereka yang bersimpati" pada bekas timbalan presiden itu terhadap Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat.
Hujung minggu lalu DVD yang memaparkan imej seorang lelaki dengan wanita mengadakan hubungan seks di sebuah bilik hotel - yang mula disebarkan di Johor hujung 2007 - dilaporkan diedarkan kembali di kalangan perwakilan parti itu dan sesetengah pemimpin BN.
MCA akan mengadakan mesyuarat agung luar biasa (EGM) pada 10 Oktober ini bagi membahaskan isu pemecatan bekas menteri kesihatan itu yang dibuat akhir Ogos.
Jawatankuasa pusat parti bagaimanapun menukar keputusan Majlis Presiden kepada penggantungan keahlian Dr Chua kepada empat tahun, Sabtu lalu.
Dalam kenyataannya hari ini, Ti menuduh "Kumpulan Ketiga" - mereka yang tidak menyokong Ong dan juga Dr Chua - mengambil kesempatan dengan menyebarkan bahan lucah itu sewaktu kedua-dua tokoh MCA sedang mengalami krisis teruk.
"Kemunculan semula DVD itu satu lagi tindakan tangan-tangan halimunan untuk membangkitkan perasaan, kemarahan dan kebencian di kalangan ahli-ahli bagi memalukan Dr Chua yang diperkirakan demi meletakkan kesalahan kepada kepemimpinan MCA kini.
"Memang terdapat Kumpulan Ketiga dalam parti ini berhasrat mencetuskan kerosakan maksimum terhadap keperibadian dan kewibawaan kedua-dua Ong dan Dr Chua," katanya.
"Motif mereka jelas, untuk mencabut kepemimpinan Tee Keat daripada parti dan untuk menghancurkan Dr Chua selama-lamanya.
"Kesan akhir kemarahan MCA akan menyebabkan parti ini hancur lebur dan mereka yang menggalas kepimpinan baru parti nanti lambat laun hanyalah seorang ketua yang lemah."
Ti, yang juga pengerusi biro perhubungan NGO parti itu, berkata Kumpulan Ketiga berniat mengawal kepemimpinan MCA demi kepentingan diri dan agenda mereka.
"Mereka mahu mencaturkan kepemimpinan MCA seperti pada masa lalu. Pertelingkahan dalam parti ini membuka peluang mereka untuk 'menyelam sambil minum air'," katanya.
Beliau kemudian menyeru para perwakilan EGM parti itu nanti agar berwaspada dengan "tangan-tangan halimunan" yang memanipulasikan perkembangan yang boleh meleburkan imej dan maruah parti.
[Baca berita penuh] JK pusat MCA bukan 'rubber stamp'
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Anggota Jawatankuasa Pusat (CC) MCA Datuk Ti Lian Ker hari ini mempertahankan keputusan jawatankuasa berhubung kes Datuk Dr Chua Soi Lek.
"Adalah malang bagi Jawatankuasa Pusat dihina dan dianggap sebagai rubber stamp, selepas Jawatankuasa Pusat itu mengubah keputusan Majlis Presiden berhubung cadangan yang dikemukakan Lembaga Disiplin," katanya dalam satu kenyataan hari ini, lapor Bernama.. Beliau merujuk keputusan Sabtu lepas yang dibuat jawatankuasa pusat apabila menukar keputusan pemecatan Dr Chua daripada parti kepada menggantung timbalan presiden itu selama empat tahun. Ti, yang juga Pengerusi Perhubungan badan bukan kerajaan parti itu, berkata menurut Artikel 47 perlembagaan MCA dengan jelas menyatakan Majlis Presiden bertanggungjawab kepada Jawatankuasa Pusat. "Sehubungan itu, jawatankuasa pusat berdasarkan kuasa yang ada mempunyai hak untuk menyemak, menilai atau membatalkan sebarang keputusan Majlis Presiden," tegasnya. Katanya Jawatankuasa Pusat tidak boleh dinafikan haknya dan bertanggungjawab di atas setiap keputusan yang dibuat lembaga disiplin atau majlis presiden "dengan rayuan atau tanpa rayuan" daripada pegawai parti atau anggota Jawatankuasa Pusat. Dr Chua dan penyokongnya menuduh jawatankuasa pusat menyalahgunakan kuasanya, dengan mendakwa ia telah memperlekehkan mesyuarat agung luar biasa akan datang yang akan membahaskan usul tidak percaya terhadap kepimpinan presiden parti Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat dan mengembalikan semula jawatan Dr Chua. |
Jawatankuasa Pusat MCA pertahan tindakan terhadap Soi Lek
ARKIB : 22/09/2009
Jawatankuasa Pusat MCA pertahan tindakan terhadap Soi Lek
KUALA LUMPUR 22 Sept. — Anggota Jawatankuasa Pusat (CC) MCA, Datuk Ti Lian Ker hari ini mempertahankan keputusan jawatankuasa berhubung kes Datuk Dr. Chua Soi Lek.
“Adalah malang bagi Jawatankuasa Pusat dihina dan dianggap sebagai rubber stamp, selepas Jawatankuasa Pusat itu mengubah keputusan Majlis Presiden berhubung cadangan yang dikemukakan Lembaga Disiplin,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.
Beliau merujuk keputusan Sabtu lepas yang dibuat Jawatankuasa Pusat apabila menukar keputusan pemecatan Soi Lek daripada parti kepada menggantung timbalan presiden itu selama empat tahun.
Lian Ker yang juga Pengerusi Perhubungan badan bukan kerajaan parti itu berkata, menurut Artikel 47 perlembagaan MCA dengan jelas menyatakan Majlis Presiden bertanggungjawab kepada Jawatankuasa Pusat.
“Sehubungan itu, Jawatankuasa Pusat berdasarkan kuasa yang ada mempunyai hak untuk menyemak, menilai atau membatalkan sebarang keputusan Majlis Presiden,” tegasnya.-Bernama
DVD skandal seks Soi Lek kembali tersebar
ARKIB : 24/09/2009
DVD skandal seks Soi Lek kembali tersebar
KUALA LUMPUR 23 Sept. - Salinan cakera video digital (DVD) skandal seks bekas Timbalan Presiden MCA, Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek kini kembali tersebar setelah ia mula terbongkar pada awal 2008.
Ahli Jawatankuasa Pusat (CC) MCA, Datuk Ti Lian Ker berkata, penyebaran semula DVD itu bertujuan menimbulkan kebencian penyokong Soi Lek terhadap Presiden MCA, Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat termasuk menyalahkan beliau dalam hal itu.
"Saya berharap ahli MCA tidak terpengaruh dengan tindakan kuasa ketiga itu yang bertujuan menyebabkan 'kerosakan maksimum' kepada parti.
"Ia juga akan dan membangkitkan kemarahan mereka yang bersimpati kepada Soi Lek terhadap Tee Keat," katanya dalam kenyataannya di sini hari ini.
Minggu lalu, DVD skandal seks Soi Lek dilaporkan kembali diedar di kalangan perwakilan parti itu dan sesetengah pemimpin Barisan Nasional (BN).
MCA akan mengadakan mesyuarat agung luar biasa (EGM) pada 10 Oktober ini bagi membahaskan isu pemecatan bekas Menteri Kesihatan itu yang diumumkan Majlis Presiden pada 26 Ogos lalu.
Menurut Lian Ker, pihak ketiga tidak patut menggunakan DVD skandal seks untuk memalukan Soi Lek lagi kerana CC telah memutuskan tindakan disiplin terhadap beliau.
"Tindakan menyebarkan kembali DVD tersebut bertujuan mengapi-apikan emosi, kemarahan serta kebencian di kalangan penyokong Soi Lek terhadap Tee Keat.
"Motif mereka membuat demikian adalah untuk menyingkirkan Tee Keat daripada parti dan merosakkan Soi Lek untuk selama-lamanya," kata beliau.
Tambah beliau, pihak ketiga tersebut juga mahu mengawal kepemimpinan MCA bagi menjalankan motif dan agenda mereka sendiri.
"Pihak ketiga tersebut telah mengambil kesempatan untuk menyingkirkan Tee Keat dan Soi Lek melalui kemelut MCA tersebut," ujar beliau.
Beliau menasihati perwakilan MCA agar berwaspada supaya tidak dimanipulasi oleh pihak ketiga berkenaan yang mahu merosakkan reputasi dan maruah MCA.
"Kami sepatutnya bergerak ke depan untuk kebaikan MCA dan menguatkan parti dalam usaha menyelesaikan kemelut parti pada masa ini," katanya.
Sementara itu, Pengerusi MCA Bahagian Wangsa Maju, Datuk Yew Teong Look berkata, beliau bagaimanapun tidak menerima salinan DVD skandal seks Soi Lek yang mula tersebar baru-baru ini.
Beliau berkata, penyebaran DVD skandal seks merupakan salah satu strategi mempengaruhi keputusan perwakilan MCA dalam EGM yang akan datang.
"Strategi tersebut tidak akan berjaya mempengaruhi ahli MCA kerana saya yakin perwakilan MCA akan membuat keputusan yang memanfaatkan parti," katanya.
Third force' trying to split MCA
"'Third force' trying to split MCA"
By Ding Jo-Ann
PETALING JAYA, 23 Sept 2009: An unseen "third force" intent on destroying the MCA's image and dignity is behind the reemergence of the sex video involving Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek.
MCA central committee member Datuk Ti Lian Ker said in a statement today that the recent circulation of the DVD was aimed at harming not just Chua but also MCA president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat.
"The circulation was calculated to instill maximum damage to the party, and to arouse the anger of Chua's sympathisers against Ong," he said.
"The DVD's re-emergence is another move by unseen hands to incite emotions, anger and hatred among the members to embarrass Chua ... and damage him permanently," he added.
Ti claimed this third force was out to destabilise the MCA's leadership for their own personal gain, and added that the disagreements within the party had provided the perfect opportunity to "kill two big birds with one stone".
"This third force wants to control the MCA's leadership for their personal motive and agenda. They want to dictate to the MCA leadership as in the past. The ultimate effect of an angry MCA will result in the party being shattered permanently, and whoever leads the party subsequently will be a lame duck," Ti said.
Ti, who is also the MCA's non-governmental organisation (NGO) liaison bureau chairperson, pleaded with its members not to be distracted by the circulation of the DVD. He urged members to remain calm and focused on building a revitalised party. He also warned members to be vigilant against further attacks ahead of the upcoming Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) on 10 Oct.
"We need to move forward ... with the larger picture instead of being stuck in the muddy waters," Ti said.
"All we need now is a fresh mandate and added strength to enable the present party leadership to continue with the course that we have taken."
As for the DVD, MCA members were told to leave the past behind them.
When the video first circulated in Johor in January 2008, Chua admitted he was the man in the DVD who was caught having sex with a woman who was not his wife. He subsequently resigned as health minister, MCA vice-president, Johor MCA chief, and from his parliamentary seat.
However, in October 2008, MCA delegates voted him in as MCA deputy president, only for Chua to be sacked from the party by MCA's disciplinary board in August 2009. This decision was subsequently overturned on 19 Sept by the MCA's central committee, and commuted to a four-year suspension.
"The central committee had recognised that Chua had discharged his duty well in the past, and there [was] no necessity to embarrass him any further," Ti said.
MCA members will be voting on five resolutions at the EGM, including on whether to reinstate Chua to his deputy president post, and on a motion of no confidence against Ong.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Powers of MCA central committee explained
Tuesday, 22 September 2009 13:24
The following is a statement from the MCA NGO Liaison Bureau chairman & Central Committee member Datuk Ti Lian Ker to explain the powers of the MCA Central Committee as a check-and-balance on the MCA PresidentialCouncil. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1) MCA Central Committee can overrule Presidential Council and
(2) MCA's Party Constitution a truly democratic instrument in the check-and-balance of power
Allow me to explain the provisions of the Constitution of the Malaysian Chinese Association with the hope of an earlier coming of age for MCA and its members.
Over the years we have had many crises and challenges leading to disproportionate crisis. We had in the past amended the Party Constitution to check on the President and Presidential powers to ensure that these powers are not abused and there will be an effective check and balance mechanism from within the party. Today MCA's Constitution is one of the most mature and democratic party Constitution in spirit and content.
Thus, we ought to take pride and ensure that the provisions of the Constitution are being followed to the letter in spirit and intent. To do otherwise will be doing a disservice to the party. Instead we must ensure that leaders, delegates and members alike must uphold the Party Constitution as the supreme authority of the party. All disputes or conflicts must be settled within the realms of the Constitutions in order that the Party remain united and the Party's agenda continues without being sidelined.
As a political party, we are bound to have conflicts, differences and disputes. However if we follow the spirit and intent of the Constitution, these challenges or disputes can be effectively settled or resolved in accordance with the decisions, solutions or remedies provided for by the respective forums or instruments of the Party.
mca-2.pngArticle 47 outlines that the powers of the Presidential Council shall be deemed to have been delegated or sub-delegated and vested with all the powers of the General Assembly and the Central Committee. However it is provided that the Presidential Council must report its activities to the next meeting of the Central Committee.
The above provision clearly spells out that the Presidential Council is answerable to the Central Committee and thus the Central Committee by virtue of its inherent power has the right of revision to revise, review or annul any decisions of the Presidential Council.
As such, the Central Committee is not a rubber stamp and ought to serve as a check and balance on the Presidential Council as a body responsible for the administration of the affairs of the Party under the authority and direction of the General Assembly and the Central Committee.
To ensure that the Central Committee discharges its duty without fear or favour, Article 45.24 provides that a Central Committee or Party Official may not be suspended or expelled without the support of two-third of the Central Committee present and voting at the meeting.
Article 45.24 effectively allows the Central Committee immunity against any suspension or expulsion if the said CC Member or Party Official can garner one-third of the Central Committee's support.
This is an express protection provided in the Constitution and is a condition precedent before any expulsion or suspension can be effected. Therefore the Central Committee upon being convened on Saturday, 19 Sept 09 must obtain the support of two-thirds of the Central Committee members present and voting, before the Presidential Council's decision to expel Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek as the Deputy President can be effected.
Therefore the Central Committee cannot be denied of its right to deliberate on any actions taken to expel or suspend any Party Official or CC Member. The CC is duty bound to deliberate and decide on the recommendation by the Disciplinary Council and Presidential Council with or without an appeal in the case of a Party Official or CC Member. This provision is a reminder to the Presidential Council to act prudently to avoid its decisions being overturned or overruled by the Central Committee.
It is unfortunate that the Central Committee has however been disregarded and disdained by being called a rubber stamp, after the Central Committee had taken the decision to reverse the Presidential Council’s endorsement of the Disciplinary Board’s recommendation.
It is inevitable that we as a political party cannot escape internal disputes or differences. More importantly, the party must have the instruments and forums to resolve these disputes in an effective manner in order to regain lost grounds.
We are now on the road to recovery and thus I call upon all central delegates to exercise prudence and due diligence this coming 10 Oct 09. The coming of age of MCA is in the hands of the delegates. History will be made for better or for worst depending on the maturity, rationality and discipline of the delegates.
A vote for a right cause and towards a right course will stir MCA towards the right direction. What is paramount is that party division should be matters of the past. The party’s unity is important as when delegates are cohesive, irrespective of the outcome of the decision, the party must hold together in order to ensure that our struggle for all Malaysians within the Barisan Nasional framework.
Datuk Ti Lian Ker
MCA NGO Liaison Bureau chairman
MCA Central Committee member
Powers of MCA central committee explained
‘Chua should have used central committee, not EGM’
Published: Tuesday September 22, 2009 MYT 1:29:00 PM
Updated: Tuesday September 22, 2009 MYT 2:36:41 PM
‘Chua should have used central committee, not EGM’ (Update)
PETALING JAYA: PETALING JAYA: Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek should have gone to the party’s central committee to overturn an earlier decision by the presidential council to sack him instead of pressing for an extraordinary general meeting, a central committee member said.
Datuk Ti Lian Ker said the party constitution stated a central committee member or party official could not be suspended or expelled without the support of two-thirds of the central committee present and voting at the meeting.
“In the case of Dr Chua, he only needed to garner the support of one-third of the central committee to overturn the decision of the presidential council.
“If he had failed to do that, he then had the added avenue in the general assembly by requesting an extraordinary general meeting to reverse the central committee decision,” he wrote on his blog.
Ti said Dr Chua however chose to “disregard and indignified the central committee” by calling it a rubber stamp.
“If he had garnered support of one-third of the central committee to reverse the presidential council decision, could the issue have been settled earlier and rendered the EGM, which is a waste of funds and energy, unnecessary?” he said.
Ti said that express protection provided by the constition was a condition precedent before any expulsion or suspension could be effected.
“The central committee, upon being convened on Saturday (Sept 19), must obtain the support of two-third of its members present before the presidential council’s decision to expel Dr Chua Soi as the deputy president could be effected.
“Therefore, the central committee cannot be denied of its right to deliberate on any actions taken to expel or suspend any party official or central committee member.
“The central committee is duty bound to deliberate and decide on the recommendation by the disciplinary council and presidential council with or without an appeal in the case of a party official or central committee member.
“This provision is a reminder to the presidential council to act prudently to avoid its decisions being overturned or overruled by the central committee,” he said.
On the EGM, he said the party was on the road to recovery and called upon all central delegates to exercise prudence and due diligence at the EGM on Oct 10 “ to stir MCA towards the right direction.”
Dr Chua’s supporters pressed for an EGM to reinstate him following the Aug 26 presidential council decision to endorse a recommendation by the party’s disciplinary board to expel him from the party over his sex video clip issue.
The central committee on Sept 19 however decided to suspend his membership and party post instead, effectively revising the presidential council’s decision.
The EGM would however still be held on Oct 10.
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Monday, September 21, 2009
MCA central committee has final word on Chua suspension
Tuesday September 22, 2009
MCA central committee has final word on Chua suspension
KUALA LUMPUR: The MCA central committee (CC) has flexed its muscles to overturn the sacking decision of Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek and instead, suspend him for four years.
The CC did this just when the party was all set to hold its extraordinary general meeting (EGM) on Oct 10 to vote on five resolutions proposed by Dr Chua’s camp.
This begs the question whether the power of the CC was underestimated in the fractious past weeks where a fair share of barbs were traded between rival supporters of party president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat and Dr Chua.
“They overlooked the CC as an independent body and pre-empted us by going straight for an EGM, which should only be called as a last resort,” said CC member Datuk Ti Lian Ker of Pahang.
Disgruntled members should not have jumped the gun and should have waited first to see how the CC would act before pushing for the EGM, he added.
Under Article 128 of the party constitution, the CC has the final say on disciplinary matters and that cannot be challenged, even in a court of law.
Currently, there are 43 CC members with 25 elected, seven appointed by the president while the rest are party office-bearers.
Ti refuted that the CC’s move was tantamount to a lack of confidence in the presidential council, as the CC had overturned other disciplinary decisions as well.
Party sources said Dr Chua’s issue was brought up by Senator Datuk Wong Siong Hwee from Kelantan; and all were given the opportunity to express their views, including the most senior CC member, Datuk Wong Mook Leong.
In the CC, the sources said Wong retold his experience when he was sacked during the party crisis in the 1980s, adding that a suspension would have a similar effect as an expulsion.
Party veteran Datuk Yap Pian Hon maintained that the CC had the mandate because all decisions, including disciplinary matters, must go through both the presidential council and CC, the two decision-making bodies in the party.
“If we stop at the presidential council level, it can be argued later that the decision is invalid because the due process was not complete,” he said.
A political observer, who declined to be named, viewed the CC’s decision as a “smart tactical move” by Ong’s side to neutralise the sympathy towards Dr Chua during the EGM.
“To take some wind away from the sail, so to speak,” said the observer.
The suspension may cause part of the 2,377 delegates to reconsider their views and swing away from Dr Chua as he could still become a party member again after four years. — Bernama
MCA central committee flexes muscles
MCA central committee flexes muscles | ![]() | ![]() |
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KUALA LUMPUR - Just when the MCA seemed all set to hold its extraordinary general meeting (EGM), in the wake of deputy president Dr Chua Soi Lek's dismissal, the party's central committee (CC) has flexed its muscles to overturn the decision and suspend him for four years, instead. This begs the question of whether the power of the CC was overlooked, or even underestimated, in the fractious past weeks which saw more than a fair share of barbs traded between rival supporters of party president Ong Tee Keat and Chua. "They overlooked the CC as an independent body and pre-empted us by going straight for an EGM which should be called only as a last resort, and not the first resort. Members should not have jumped the gun," CC member Ti Lian Ker, of Pahang, told Bernama. He said, disgruntled members should have waited first to see how the CC would act before pushing for the EGM, now fixed for Oct 10, after the presidential council sacked Chua for tarnishing the party's image over a sex video scandal. CC has final say Ti said the party constitution empowered the CC to take disciplinary action against any elected party official including to suspend or to expel with the support of two-thirds of the CC members present at the meeting. Under Article 128 of the constitution, the CC has the final say on disciplinary matters and that cannot be challenged, even in a court of law. Ti said he had insisted that Chua's case be discussed at the marathon seven-hour CC meeting last Saturday. Currently, there are 43 CC members with 25 elected, seven appointed by the president while the rest are party office-bearers. Ti refuted that the CC's move was tantamount to a lack of confidence in the presidential council, adding that at the same meeting, the CC had overturned other disciplinary decisions, as well. Party sources said Chua's case was brought up by Senator Wong Siong Hwee from Kelantan and all were given the opportunity to express their views, including the most senior CC member, Wong Mook Leong. Wong re-told his experience when he was sacked during the party crisis in the 1980s, expressing that a suspension would have a similar effect as an expulsion, the source said. "Some CC members sympathised with Chua. They felt there was no need to push an already broken man and believed he should be given a chance to salvage a bit of his shattered honour," it added. Due process must follow Others felt that it was not appropriate and an act of disrespect to the central delegates, for the CC to discuss the matter as the rival factions had already agreed to the EGM and agenda.
"If we stop at the presidential council level, it can be argued later that the decision is invalid because the due proces was not complete," he said. A political observer, who declined to be named, views the CC's decision as a move to neutralise the symphathy factor towards Chua for the EGM, to "take some wind away from the sail". The suspension may cause part of the 2,377 delegates to reconsider their views and swing away from Chua as he would only be a party member after four years. After all, Chua had said he wanted to die an MCA member, the observer noted. - Bernama |