Thursday, March 5, 2009

Equal rights for all Malaysians, says Perlis ruler

Equal rights for all Malaysians, says Perlis ruler PDF Print E-mail
Posted by admin
Friday, 06 March 2009 08:57

(New Straits Times) - The Raja of Perlis, Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Putra Syed Jamalullail, yesterday took to task those propounding the "ketuanan Melayu" (Malay supremacy) policy, accusing them of using "narrow-minded ways to achieve personal objectives".

He said every Malaysian, irrespective of age, gender, social status or religion, enjoyed equal rights.

The ruler said some Malaysians were making a big issue of the "ketuanan Melayu" issue and asking that supremacy or rights be given only to a particular race.

"It is very unfortunate to see these self-interested parties raising sensitive issues which could dampen the spirits and hopes of millions of people. In Malaysia, every race is tuan," he said in his speech at the launching of a seminar on the Federal Constitution here. The seminar was jointly organised by the state government and the Biro Tatanegara.

The Raja of Perlis reminded everyone that no individual should be deprived of his rights and that sensitive issues should not be raised in a multi-racial country like Malaysia.

"Sensitive issues and disharmony in society will only bring harm to the country," he added.

He said after 51 years, there was an understanding between the royal houses, leaders of all races and political parties in the country on the multi-racial character of the nation.

"This understanding is referred to as a social contract. It is to ensure that every race lives in harmony. The rights of every individual and race cannot not be taken away and at the same time Islam will remain the official religion of the country."

The Raja of Perlis said the role of the Malay royalty should be upheld as they had played the most significant role in defending the rights of the people. He said it was the responsibility of the royalty to ensure that everyone lived in harmony.

"Today, many individuals redefine the social contract in the Federal Constitution in their own narrow-minded way for personal objectives.

"I believe that if everyone understands that every individual of any race, should not be deprived of their rights, then the efforts of certain parties who think that the supremacy or rights should only be given to a particular race can be stopped," he said.

The ruler hoped that the contents of the Federal Constitution will be clearly understood by all, including the leaders of political parties.

( Daulat Tuanku! Patik sembah agar Tuanku terus bertakhta dengan bijaksana dan membawa Negara ke hala yang sebenarnya. Sememangnya DYMM Tuanku telah menyentuh nadi niat dan maksud Perlembagaan Persekutuan dengan tepat. Semangat Perlembagaan telah diketepikan dan ditakrif mengikut naluri dan selera setengah orang untuk merampas dan memenuhi nafsu dan kerakusan hamba Allah yang sememangnya lemah.

Misalannya peruntukan kuota untuk menjaga kepentingan orang Melayu telah dijadikan monopoli.
Misalannya privilege telah dikembangkan menjadi special rights. Banyak lagi peruntukan perlembagaan yang bermaksud membantu dan mempertahankan kedudukan orang Melayu telah dijadikan alat dan kuasa untuk merampas dan membelot kekayaan atas kerugian bangsa dan Negara. Melayu harus diberi pertolongan dan bantuan tetapi jangan kita membiarkan segolongan memutar-belitkan Perlembagaan dan merampas kekayaan sehingga membawa kepada kerugian dan keruntuhan negara dan bangsa.

Salah takrif dan salahguna peruntukan ini haruskah berhenti sebelum rakyat benggang dan enggan akur pada Perlembagaan. Ini akan membawa kepada keruntuhan Grundnorm yang merupakan batu asas kukuh yang mendokong sistem perundangan negara. Grundnorm ini jugalah yang membolehkan segala institusi seperti Raja-Raja Melayu mendapat kedudukan yang berdaulat dan terus menjadi lambang pemerintahan negara.

Hidup Raja Berperlembagaan! Daulat Tuanku!

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